
För att uppmärksamma dagen (som om någon skulle glömma den) för tio år sedan har jag läst ut Love is the higher law av en av min favoritförfattare David Levithan. Handlingen börjar på morgonen 9/11 just efter att det första planet har krachat. Sen följer man tre ungdomar som har helt olika syn på det som hände, var på helt olika ställen och på Levithan-sättet flättas deras liv tillsammans. Det här är ett citat ur början av boken och namnen har egentligen ingen större betydelse.

"Class, a plane has hit the World Trade Center."
Katie Johnson gasps. Other kids start talking.
I am blank.
And then mrs. Otis asks "Do any of you have parents working in the World Trade Center?"

Mrs.Otis informed us on the first day of school that there would be no cell phone usage tolerated in class, but mow it's the fifth day of school and there's nothingshe can do. She's trying to hold it together, but she's confused as we are. Cell phones are ringing, and all these kids are telling their parents they're okey, we're all okey - our school is a good thirty blocks north of the Trade Center. Abby Winter's mom starts telling her what the news is saying, and then she tells it to the rest of us: "The plane hit around the ninetieth floor. The building's still standing, and people are evacuating. Firemen are going up. The other tower looks like it's okey..."

Ur David Levithans Love is the higher law


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